понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s been 4 months now that I have finished school. And really didnapos;t do that bad. So the plan was: study, stay in Berlin...

But it never goes the way you want it to go.

So I did not get into university, which was kinda ridiculous with the good grades I had. And I had to learn that within the next few years it will get even harder because everyone from other parts of Germany comes to Berlin just to study, cause itapos;s cheaper here.

The whole me-not-going-to-university thing caused a huge family crisis - because my family is NUTS - and I just escaped from "home" (doesnapos;t really feel like it anymore) as much as I could.
I donapos;t get why theyapos;re making such a fuss. Itapos;s not my fault that I was not accepted and now theyapos;re making my life.
I think I made the best out of it, found a job to earn some money and Iapos;ll apply again later... So what?
No... Of course this is not good enough for a family of teachers, doctors and mathematicians. And why bitch about the son who nearly fails every class in school and goes out to get wasted with his friends every weekend, when you have a daughter who finished school with a good average but does not study right away?
These people are really not good for me... I wish I had enough money to move out.

On top of all that one of my best friends moved to another city, because she got a really good job there. Sheapos;s very happy now and a lot more relaxed - Iapos;m still not sure if I like that, cause I have to share her with other people now ;) - and of course Iapos;m happy for her, but I still miss her very much.
I still have another friend who now moved back to a house like 5 minutes away from me, so I always have a place to go and someone I can talk to.
I wouldnapos;t know what to do without those two. Iapos;m so glad, I have them.

So the good things I got out of all this?
The knowledge that, no matter what happens, my friends are always there for me... Something that my family failed to do. Which brings me to concludion #2: I would always choose my friends over my family. I know some people could never understand that, but this experience showed me that my family would never hesitate to let me down if I didnapos;t live the way they want me to. With my friends I can be who I am, theyapos;re the most precious thing I have. And fuck the phone bill... If I canapos;t talk to them Iapos;ll go nuts too... And maybe end up like my parents.
Letapos;s hope this is never going to happen.

Softball winter practice starts in 13 days. =)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Short week since today is Fall break. We only get one day off because we had Labor Day off. But since we get Friday off that means there are no Bio labs this week. Monday I was busy working on GIS homework and didnapos;t work on my presentation practice until the afternoon. I ran out of time and screwed up my practice because I had changed some of my slides but didnapos;t print them out. We did another practice on Wednesday and so I spent most of the morning working on it and got it all ready. I even had an extra minute to spare so I can add some stuff in to talk about and elaborate. Tuesday I entered all the tree quiz grades online and did some midterm grades for the freshmen. I also found out two of my students are dropping the class They were doing fine in it too. I went to a speaker talk about mountain top removal for coal mining. The pictures were really awful, all these pristine forested mountains just leveled in the Appalachians. Then they plant this Chinese weed that no wildlife can eat to make it green again. It totally screws up the ecosystem though, now it floods all the time. Itapos;s terrible. Since the speaker talked about how much we use coal, I figured decreasing energy consumption would be a major point, but he barely mentioned it. He just said we should switch to other forms of energy. Tuesday night was the cycling club group picture, I put it online. Wednesday I also went to the SSC meeting, we have some interesting stuff coming up. Thursday morning I was really bored waiting for my GIS test at 2. I studied some but forgot the name of something when I was taking the test. Hopefully I did ok besides that.

Between today and yesterday I have been cleaning the house for my parentsapos; arrival. I did laundry and put all of my clothes away, cleaned my bathroom and sink, my desk, the stove and microwave, the kitchen counters and sink, swept and vacuumed the downstairs. Last night I went to the wildlife society meeting. A professor from Purdue came to talk about the role genetics can have in understanding migration and dispersal in the banner tailed kangaroo rat of Arizona.

I watched some of the last Presidential debate, I didnapos;t watch it all because it was dumb. They kept saying the same things they always say. I couldnapos;t look at McCain very long; the weird eyebrow twitches, the cackles of disbelief. Heapos;s a total spaz. No wonder heapos;s losing, he looks like heapos;ll croak any minute. If he says repudiate one more time...

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I have a damn plot bunny for Supernatural, and I cannot get it out of my head

It starts with WeeCesters. There is a woman, a hunter, but is mostly into research. She has a group of hunter friends she works with. For her own reasons she is after the YED herself, and knows about the children, so she is keeping track of them.

There is another group of hunters who are killing the children. The woman finds out about it, and sends some of her friends after them. For her own reasons, she wants one of the children for herself, and has been looking for ways to get Social Services on the case so that she can gain gardianship, and bring the child up herself.

John is out on a hunt, leaving Dean to look after Sam. The hunters who are killing children kidnap Sam, while they are both in a deep sleep. The hunters helping the woman track them, and save Sam. The woman decides just to keep Sam, as the Wincesters seem out of the system anyway.

About the time of The Pilot, she brings Sam home, and Jessica comes as well. They preform a ritual that is very dangerous to both Sam and the woman, but they survive. They are now bait for the YED, who wants Sam back, but the woman has a protective circle round her house, which kills the YED, but leave he man he is possessing alive, but in deed of hospital treatment.

Meg and her brother come after them, and also the demons die, but the sick humans are rushed to hospital.

The other children are ill as well. Some survive.

That is followed by the next year, when Sam goes back to Stanford with Jessica and the woman. There are demons after them, but they have a neckless that protects them. John and Dean arrive to find out about the demon activity, and find out about Sam as well.

That is where I stopped.......I just thought I would like to explore John, Dean and Samapos;s relationship if Sam and Dean were brought up apart, it is just this woman sounds Mary Sue
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For the first time in MONTHS, i decided i needed a change and� i decided to dye my hair and itapos;s a really pretty red/brown color ,� i really, really like it and iapos;m very happy with it, Iapos;ll take some pictures and post them eventually.
I went to jeffapos;s bandapos;s cd release show on sunday, as much as i dislike the type of musicthey play, i gotta admit that they are pretty good at it. And jeff is good at the whole drumming thing he does.

i havenapos;t done much this week, well i mean i dyed my hair and went to jeffapos;s cd release thing and went to band practice and spent lots of time with my boyfriend, heapos;s the best.

Heapos;s leaving for tour like in a week or something like that, and i just know that iapos;m going to miss him so much, but it will be okay, heapos;s sending me postcards and weapos;ll talk on the phone and stuff and he wonapos;t be away for that long.

weapos;re going to boston this weekend and im uber excited, especially since iapos;ve never been
ew tonight is weird, because itapos;s the first night iapos;ll be sleeping in my own bed for like,a while. Iapos;ve been staying over at jeffapos;s like every night this week, and itapos;s weird sleeping withouthim , i have no one to cuddle with or keep me warmm� or rub my back until i fall asleep...

i miss my boyfriend, but weapos;re going on a date tomorrow night� and weapos;ll have a sleepover, i canapos;t wait to see him

Iapos;m going to bed now, toodles
goodnight interweb, hello blankets and pillows.
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